On the StoreGazer Server, modify the EDJ.StoreGazer.Service.exe.config file to contain the following lines:
< add key="UDPForwardIP" value="" />
< add key="UDPPort" value="9050" />
< add key="ForwardMessageRequest" value="true" />
< add key="MessagePriorityLevel" value="6" />
< add key="MessageRequestMessage" value="[4690Time],[StoreNumber],[StoreNodeID],[Terminal],[Message],[Source],[Event],[Severity],[Data],[EventRuleID],[AlertRuleID],[ActionID],[Priority]" />
Note that the last line is quite long, but should be entered as a single, non-breaking line.
The UDPForwardIP line indicates the IP address the SYSLOG message will be sent to. If not specified, the message will be broadcast to the entire subnet.
The UDPPort line indicates what the port number to use to send the SYSLOG message. This line is required.
The ForwardMessageRequest line must be set to TRUE to forward 4690 events. This line is required.
The MessagePriorityLevel line indicates the priority level to assign to the SYSLOG message. Priority 6, “Information”, is the default value if this line is omitted.
The MessageRequestMessage line indicates the format of the SYSLOG data. The [bracketed] values indicate the different data points that exist in the log entry, and can be arranged in any order. The commas are literal values that will also be included in the message.
After adding (or changing) these lines in the EDJ.StoreGazer.Service.exe.config file, restart the StoreGazer Server service. Any new command log data sent up will be auto-forwarded.
Additional types of data can also be forwarded. See the attached release notes (which are also available on the EDJ download site) for how to auto-forward this other data in a similar fashion.
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