There are many reasons why a user cannot sign in to the web application. In most cases, one of the following may be cause.
1. The StoreGazer Web application does not have the correct database configuration.
Verify the database configuration in the StoreGazer Web application’s web.config file. Ensure the database connection settings match those in the StoreGazer Server database configuration. It may be possible that the server is putting data into one database, but the web application is looking at a different database.
For more information, review the StoreGazer Web application Configuration section (4.4) of the StoreGazer Version 4 Installation Guide.
2. The “Sign In” permission does not exist in the StoreGazer application.
Sign in to the EDJCommon Web application. Expand the Application Management section on the left, then expand the StoreGazer item and select Functions. The first item on the list should be “Sign In”, not “Login”.
If “Login” is displayed, refer to the Important Security Note for Upgrading an Existing Installation section (2.3.6) of the StoreGazer Version 4 Installation Guide.
3. The user does not exist.
Sign in to the EDJCommon Web application. Click the User Management icon on the left. Verify the user exists on the right-hand side.
4. The user is disabled or locked out.
Sign in to the EDJCommon Web application. Click the User Management icon on the left. Right-click on the user’s name on the right-hand side and choose Properties. Verify the Disabled and Locked attributes are both unchecked.
User accounts can be disabled if there is no activity (logins) for an extended amount of time. User accounts can be locked due to multiple invalid login attempts. Both of these account security features are configured through the PCI Settings section of the EDJCommon Web application.
5. The user does not have “Sign In” permission to the application.
Sign in to the EDJCommon Web application. Click the User Management icon on the left. Right-click on the user’s name on the right-hand side and choose Properties. Click the “Member Of” button at the top, and verify the user is a member of one (or more) roles in StoreGazer.
Also in EDJCommon, expand the Application Management section on the left, then expand the StoreGazer item and select Roles. Right-click each role the user is a member of and verify that at least one of the roles has the “Sign In” permission.
6. An invalid password was used.
If all else fails, reset the user’s password. Sign in to the EDJCommon Web application. Click the User Management icon on the left. Right-click on the user’s name on the right-hand side and choose Properties. Click the Generate button to automatically produce a new complex password. Copy that password, click OK (NOT Cancel), and use that new password to login to StoreGazer. Once logged in, use the Options menu to change the password to something that will be easier to remember. >
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