LGOFFUSR.286 should be copied to the ADX_UPGM: directory on the 4690 master controller. Set the distribution attributes of LGOFFUSR.386 to be Compound/Close, and distribute the file. LGOFFUSR.286 must be run as a background application. It can be configured as a background application, or it can optionally be run from StoreGazer (also as a background application).
Installation of TSIGNOFF.286 is required ONLY if the terminal signoff option is desired. TSIGNOFF.286 will be started by LGOFFUSR. TSIGNOFF.286 should be copied to the ADX_UPGM: directory on the 4690 master controller. Set the distribution attributes of TSIGNOFF.286 to be Compound/Close. The configuration file TSIGNOFF.CFG should be placed in the ADX_UDT1 directory, and the distribution attributes set to Compound/Close.
LGOFFUSR.286 can only be run on 4690 OSV5. Console sessions (local) can be logged off on classic mode and enhanced mode controllers. SSH and telnet sessions can be off on enhanced mode Controllers only (4690 limitation).
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